Do You Need a Tree Removal Permit in Apex, NC?

Generally, you must complete a tree removal permit before removing trees in Apex, NC. There are some exceptions to this rule, however. The professionals at J&D Tree Pros are here to explain the steps you must take to remove your tree legally and why professional tree removal in Apex, NC, is essential.

Why Do I Need a Tree Permit?

North Carolina has a vast diversity of plants and trees, and many have died out through improper removal, landscaping, and population growth. This loss is detrimental to the environment, and the local government works to preserve the land as much as possible.

In this effort to preserve local diversity, a person must request a removal permit, even on their own land. To eliminate the possibility of illegal tree removal, hire our team to help you.

Some reasons why a person must request a permit application are as follows:

  • To mitigate unnecessary erosion and runoff
  • To preserve historically, culturally, or environmentally relevant trees
  • To protect wildlife habitats

How to Fill Out a Permit Application

You can pick up a tree removal permit at your local government office or find it on their website. From there, you must fill out each element and answer questions such as the following:

  • What type of tree, its age, and health
  • Location of the tree
  • Reasons for removal
  • The tree company you’re choosing

Turn in the tree permit and applicable fees, and wait to hear back. They will respond with either a yes or no or a request for more information. From there, you can either proceed or stop plans for removal.

Our team will get the permit for you and help you through the process of hassle-free tree removal.

When Is a Tree Permit Required?

You need a tree permit even within your property lines in North Carolina. If the tree is over six inches in diameter, you must request permission before removal. Smaller trees are less significant to environmental health and may not require approval.

However, to ensure you follow all local laws, request help before determining if a tree requires a permit.

Endangered Species

North Carolina has many endangered tree species, and all remain protected. Some of these species include:

  • Shortleaf Pine
  • Bald Cypress
  • Eastern Red Cedar

 Always research the tree in question before considering removal. If you are still unsure, call professionals.

Invasive Species

Invasive species do not require a permit, as these trees threaten native plant life and harm the environment. Some invasive species include:

  • Southern Pine Bettle
  • Bradford Pear
  • Mimosa

If you want to remove an invasive species, you can do so with professional help. Removing these trees will benefit the local wildlife and protect North Carolina’s diversity and wellness.

Contact J&D Tree Pros

From tree removal to emergency tree services, we’re your team. If you need to remove a tree and need help with your tree removal permit, contact us at J&D Tree Pros at (919) 467-7997 and request a consultation in Apex, NC.

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