Why Is the Bark on My Tree Splitting in Chapel Hill, NC?

J&D Tree Pros, Chapel Hill’s most trusted tree service provider, is here to help with any arboreal dilemmas. In this post, we answer the common question, “Why is the bark on my tree splitting?” 

Why Bark Splits

There are many reasons for this phenomenon. In some cases, it’s simple tree biology, and the bark cracks as it expands. Here are other potential causes. 


Tree trunks can only take so much sunshine before burning. In most cases, the tree regulates this by putting out enough foliage. However, if you suddenly prune it during summer, it might burn. This is most likely to be on the south-facing sides. 


While they sound similar, they are two very different conditions. In this case, the tree warms up in the sun during the day. When the colder night follows, it damages the bark. You won’t see the signs immediately, but you’ll notice cracked or peeling bark in the summer. 

Frost Cracks

Have you been asking, “Why is the bark on my tree splitting in the dead of winter?” When Jack Frost visits, the water in the cambium may freeze and expand. This puts pressure on the bark, which then cracks. 

Sudden Irrigation Changes

During a dry spell, the bark becomes more brittle. If there’s suddenly a lot of moisture, the tree will usually experience a growth spurt. The result is that the cambium plumps out, and the expanding tissue causes the bark to crack. 

Late Fertilization

If you fertilize your tree at the end of summer or early in the fall, you trick it into putting on a growth spurt. The problem with this is that the bark doesn’t have time to toughen up before the cold strikes. Therefore, it’s more vulnerable to frost cracks and sunscald. 


Sometimes, the tree absorbs the wetting agents in these products. This can lead to splitting bark over time. 

Should You Worry? 

If your trees are healthy, they’ll compartmentalize the damage and heal themselves. If not, you should call an arborist to support your tree. 

Preventing Bark Cracks

Your first defense mechanism is to plant your tree in the right place. If it’s too late, you can insulate the tree with a wrap in winter against the cold and in summer against the sun. You’ll need to make sure that no pests or fungi creep in under the wrap. 

Aside from that, don’t prune unnecessarily, and use herbicides sparingly. Always fertilize your tree before the growing season. 

What Happens If the Bark Is Cracked? 

If there’s already damage, support your tree’s recovery. You can use a clean knife to smooth off any rough edges when the bark pulls away from the tree. From there, keep the plant as healthy as possible by watering it and feeding it as necessary. Never seal the wound. 

Contact Our Team for Help With Splitting Bark

Now you can answer, “Why is the bark on my tree splitting?” do you have other issues like branch dieback? Contact J&D Tree Pros at 919-467-7997 to schedule a consultation today.

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